Friday, August 6, 2010

Homemade Yogurt

4 C fresh, organic 2% milk
1/3 C powdered milk
1/2 C organic yogurt (starter)

Slowly heat milk on stove over low-med heat. Add powdered milk. Pay VERY CLOSE attention to the milk. It must reach a temp of 170F without boiling. Once you've hit 170F, remove from heat and wait for milk to cool to 108-112 degrees. Once it gets to this temp, mix a small amount in with the yogurt. This will break up the yogurt and make blending it with the rest of the milk easier. Once you have blended the yogurt fully in with the milk, place in a preheated yogurt maker for 4-8 hours. Refigerate before eating. Makes 1 quart.

Stonyfield Farm starter: 6 active cultures, making faster fermentation (4-5 hrs), resulting in more whey (watery substance); also has a thinner texture; tangier flavor, more like a green apple

Fage starter: 2 active cultures, slower fermentation (6-8 hrs), less or no whey; texture is thicker, smoother, creamier; softer flavor, more like a pear

Add fruit, berries, cereal, sweetener (honey, summersweet, maple syrup, etc.), or jam to flavor.

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